That’s me – I win the worst blogger award. Seriously, one year almost to the day for my last post.
Well, let’s just say, I’ve been super duper busy. As in I can barely breathe or sleep at times. Anybody else out there like me?
MilandDil Designs is growing and yes that’s my excuse. I’ll try to do a quick catch up – year in review. Reader’s Digest version.
Buckle your seat belt, here we go: Survived another tree season without falling off a ladder, had lots of sore muscles to show for it though. Decorated the 97 year old Davis House for a Candlelight Christmas tour – oh, and I forgot to mention it’s haunted. That was interesting. Minor detail, the Christmas decorations are stored in the third story attic. Well, let’s just say I got those boxes out in record time.
We had a great spring show at the Jr. League Shopping for a Cause. Met so many new customers and said hello to a few returning.
Made many, many trips to Dallas Market to shop for new products and materials. Mostly, I love to go for inspiration hoping to see something new to add my own unique twist.
We are building our customer base. Now that we have a real building and shop location, I’m enjoying visits from new and existing customers. And I bought a new Point of Sale system so we are like a real store now.
I got healthier. I did a 60 day juice fast – just juicing fruits and vegetables. Pure nutrition. My total cholesterol dropped almost 50 points in 30 days. Wow! Weight loss, better skin, energy –too many other benefits to mention. And I got my tree buddy Teresa Powell to join me in the juicing journey. This is a person who did not know what a vegetable looked like, other than a potato. Now she’s more diligent than I am about getting in her juice.
I have a new shop buddy. We got a new puppy, a little silky terrier named Huni. She is great company in the shop every day and even ends up with a few florals in her bed as in saying, “I want to help”. If only she could, I could sure use those four paws of her’s. And yes, that is a piece of a red hydrangea in her bed.
The DIL of the “Mil” and “Dil” was accepted into nursing clinicals and will begin in August. That means less of her in the shop, but I’m happy she’s pressing forward in her career.
We were invited to participate for the first time in the Les Boutique de Noel show in November. So we’re having Christmas in July getting ready for it. And it’s going to be almost 100 degrees in Shreveport today. Guess I’ll play the Christmas music and crank down the air conditioning.
Now you are up to date. Between keeping up with product, purchasing, designing, taking care of our website, our Facebook page, our Etsy site, our Pinterest board, shipping and receiving, tax reporting -- whew, that’s enough and there’s more that I do -- I really want to start making time to get back in the blogging world.
Anyone have any suggestions? I’ve pinned on my Pinterest board Blogging for Dummies. Guess I should read it.
Love and miss you all my followers.
Here are a few designs just to let you know I haven’t been sitting around painting my toenails.
Do you see a favorite???